Fellowship of European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO) 2007
Specialist for Ophthalmology, Hamburg/Germany 2004
Medical Doctor M.D., Hamburg/Germany 1998
State Exam for Human Medicine, Hamburg/Germany 1997
Since Jan. 2013
Surgical Eye Practice in Berlin Charlottenburg
Since Jan. 2012
Berlin Eye Clinic, Private Clinic in Berlin Charlottenburg
July 2010-Dec. 2012
Surgical Eye Practice in Berlin Friedrichshain
2009 – 2010
Consultant at Royal Free Hospital subspecializing in Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgery in London/GB
2008 – 2009
Cataract and Primary Care Fellow at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London/GB
2008 – 2009
Consultant at Royal Free Hospital subspecializing in Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgery in London/GB (Part-time)
2007 – 2008
Senior Clinical Fellow in Oculoplastic and Cataract Surgery at Royal Free Hospital in London/GB
2007 – 2008
Consultant at Charing Cross Hospital subspecializing in Oculoplastic Surgery in London/GB (Part-time)
Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO), Paris/France
2006 – 2007
Senior Registrar at Royal Free Hospital und University College Hospital in London/GB
2005 – 2006
Medical Retina Fellow – Advanced Subspecialty Training Opportunity at Bristol Eye Hospital in Bristol/GB
Specialist in Ophthalmology from Hamburg/Germany
2000 – 2004
Training for Ophthalmology at University Eye Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg/ Germany
1999 – 2000
Post-doc Research Fellowship from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) undertaken at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences der University of Brighton/GB
Physician Registration in Hamburg/Germany
1998- 1999
Pre-registration House Officer at University Eye Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg/Germany
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) in Glaucoma from the University of Hamburg/Germany: Study on the success of trabeculectomy and especially the influence of the conjunctival flap and its closure performed from 1992-1994 at the University Eye Hospital of Hamburg/ Germany
Practice on tissue culturing of human corneal endothelial cells and human retinal pigment epithelial cells at the Cornea Bank – Transplantation Laboratory of the University Eye Hospital of Hamburg/ Germany
1991 – 1997
Study of Human Medicine at the University of Hamburg/Germany
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons: Full membership
American Academy of Ophthalmology: International membership
Medical Council Berlin/Germany: Full specialist membership
Member of the Berlin Brandenburg Ophthalmologists Society (BBAG)
Wavefront-Analysis and Topography in patients with toric intraocular lenses (Berlin/Germany)
Cataract patients’ management in different Moorfields Eye Hospital sites: monitoring of postoperative visits at Northwick Park Hospital, St Ann’s Day Treatment Centre, Ealing General Hospital and City Road during March – June 2009 (London/GB).
Postoperative visual acuity outcome in early cataract: comparing postoperative visual acuity in cataract patients with VA 6/9 and 6/12 at Moorfields Eye Hospital (London/GB).
Study of postoperative haemorrhage and scarring after radiofrequency surgery in oculoplastic patients at Royal Free Hospital in London/GB.
Sub-investigator for anti-VEGF-therapy with Lucentis and Macugen for age related macular degeneration at Bristol Eye Hospital (Bristol/GB).
Study of ageing processes and transplantation of human corneal endothelial cells at the Transplantation Laboratory of the University Eye Hospital of Hamburg/Germany and at the University of Brighton; Department of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences in Brighton/GB
Optimisation of the immunosuppressive therapy with mycophenolate mofetil for the high risk keratoplasty and for the therapy of uveitis, ocular pemphigoid and rheumatoid corneal ulcer. Co-operation between University Eye Hospitals of Hamburg and Tuebingen/Germany
Research work has been and will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international meetings.
Post-doc Fellowship Grant from Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) for 1 year research at the University of Brighton, Department of Pharmacy (1999-2000)
Travel Fellowship Grant from The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) for visiting the ARVO-Meeting 1999
One year Arzt im Praktikum funded from Hoffman La Roche for clinical study on immunosuppressive therapy optimisation (CellCept) in cornea and external eye diseases and uveitis (1998-1999)
Voluntary Work:
Operating and training ophthalmic surgeons in oculoplastic surgery at Ahsan Eye Hospital in Moradabad and Sewa Sedan Hospital in Bhopal/India
Hospitation visit at the Ruharo Eye Centre in Mbarara/Uganda