Welcome to Berlin Eye Clinic

Your clinic for ophthalmology in Berlin



Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve. Treatment options include: eye drops, laser treatment or surgery. It is important to detect glaucoma at an early stage to prevent visual field loss and subsequent blindness. Any person above the age of 40 years should undergo an early glaucoma detection test, to check measurement of intraocular pressure, cornea thickness, the examination of the optic nerve and visual field assessment.At the Berlin Eye Clinic we offer two precise methods for early detection and follow-up of glaucoma patients and individuals with suspicious optic nerve morphology:

GDx™ examines the retina nerve fiber layer (RNFL) around the optic nerve using Scanning Laser Polarimeter (SLP) in order to deliver structural information that goes beyond just measuring the thickness. It is a non-painful test delivering highly precise information about early glaucomatous damage and change in RNFL.

HRT (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph) Glaucoma module is a powerful tool in detecting early morphological changes to the optic disc due to glaucoma before any apparent functional loss in visual field or detection through experts’ examination. This assessment has been validated through numerous studies for managing and monitoring progression of glaucomatous disease.

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